Age of empires 3 asian dynasties rar
Age of empires 3 asian dynasties rar

age of empires 3 asian dynasties rar age of empires 3 asian dynasties rar

To find them, navigate to your game's installation folder, and then they should be in the data subfolder. If you've got the game in a different language, I'd love it if you can upload/email me a few files from your game. I honestly don't know what languages it all comes in, but I'm rather sure it's available in German, French, and Spanish, at least. I'm trying to compile a complete set of language files in all the languages that it comes in so that users can change the language of their game - Steam, GFWL, and Impulse only offer the game in English, and it also might be useful for anyone who purchased it in one language and would like to change it. Does anyone have the retail version of AoE3 in a language other than English?

Age of empires 3 asian dynasties rar